Pig farms

Nature's Own Fly Control

Controlling flies on a pig farm is crucial to prevent disease spread, reduce animal stress, improve growth rates, and maintain hygiene. Effective fly control enhances pig health, productivity, and overall farm conditions.

Are you struggling to keep on top of flies?

Conventional pesticide are harmful, cost a lot of effort to apply and there suffer from resistency issues, becoming less effective over time. There is an alternative!

Have you come across biological fly control using beneficial insects?

Biological fly control prevents fly infestations and

  • is 100% safe for animals and humans
  • saves time
  • is cost effective
  • naturally aerates the slurry

Biofly -your first line of defence against flies in slatted pig units.

The larvae of Biofly are predators that feed on larvae of nuisance flies. Although it sounds counter-intuitive to introduce flies in a livestock unit, our custumers know this works.Biofly is harmless and stays below slat level, targeting fly larvae in manure.After the initial establishment period, lower doses maintain effective fly suppression.

Biofly has been the go-to bio fly control method in pig finishing units on the European continent for at least three decades.

Biofly - your first line of defence against flies in slated units -

BESTICO Integrated Fly Management System

The key to successful fly control is always prevention at its source. Our integrated fly control system is a unique approach. We utilise a range of different insects and baited fly traps to target each life stage of the fly.

Biomite (Fly egg predators)

Predatory mites targeting fly eggs in any fly breeding during the summer months.

Biofly (Fly larvae predators)

Fly larvae control for tanks, channels, collection pits and lagoons.

Biowasp (Fly pupae parasites)

Fly pupae control for buildings with deep litter, calf pens and hutches, muck heaps etc.

Bucket Trap (Bucket fly trap)

An innovative bucket trap intended to target the adult life stage of flies around the farm yard. When combined with BESTICO’s fly bait, it is extremely effective at capturing high volumes of adult flies.

Cattle farmer Wim Janssen on Biofly:

‘It really changed my perspective on sustainable farming’

Get in touch

A successful approach to biological fly control is based on strategically planned releases.

Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.