
Fly larvae predators

A predatory fly which targets fly larvae in wet muck areas, such as in pig and dairy units with slurry pits.

How does it work

The adult will fly just a few inches above the slurry and starts laying eggs straight after being released. The eggs develop into parasitic larvae which will actively consume fly larvae in the slurry, breaking the life cycle of fly.

The fly larvae predator develops in the slurry without the need to predate on fly larvae.

How to apply

It is the natural remedy against flies problems in units with manure tanks and channels, as commonly used for intensive farming of pigs and dairy cattle. Biofly can be applied in livestock buildings all year round.

Peter Gille about Biofly

Dairy farmer

‘For me it's a win-win’

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Get in touch

A successful approach to biological fly control is

based on strategically planned releases.

Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.